The continuum of heat injury begins with heat stress with minimal heat cramp, then heat exhaustion, then heat stroke. Clinical signs worsen down the continuum and there is no specific time period defining one level from the next. Rather the severity of clinical signs dictates the definition culminating in heat stress, which is “hyperthermia associated […]
What’s in a Crash Cart?
Every veterinary hospital needs a crash cart; ideally, one in the treatment room, each operating room, and one in the patient ward. But what exactly should we keep in them? How should they be organized? The reality is that although the contents are relatively common across hospitals, the organization ends up being what works for […]
Just Breathe
Respiratory distress can be stressful for the entire veterinary team. There are 8 main causes of respiratory distress that can be quickly narrowed with a brief physical exam and POCUS. Examples Findings Upper airway Laryngeal ParalysisBrachycephalicsCollapsing trachea Stertor; stridorObstructive: prolonged effort-Inspiratory (extrathoracic dz)-Expiratory (intrathoracic dz) Lower airway AsthmaChronic bronchitis Expiratory effortWheezes Pulmonary parenchyma PneumoniaEdema (C […]
Pop quiz – Memorial Day 2020
At veccmo we want to celebrate and give thanks to all the veterinary emergency workers holding down the fort on this (and every) public holiday. Instead of letting you off the hook, we’d rather give you a mental workout. You’re welcome! Today’s focus is the renal/urinary system. What is the most abundant ketone found in […]
Pulmonary Transfusion Reactions
Written by one of our ECC specialty interns, Dr. Leila Hocine