You grab an arterial blood gas, but the numbers aren’t matching the clinical picture. Here’s a quick checklist: The sample: Clean stick? Flash? Pulsed as it self-filled? Looked arterial (red)? Exposure to room air (air bubbles, loose cap, etc,) can falsely ↓PCO2 and ↑PO2. The CO2: If the PaO2 is scary low, the PaCO2 will […]
Real Tox: Garage Hazards
Ethylene glycol – Propylene glycol – Methanol – Fertilizers – Wood Glue – Hydrocarbons ETHYLENE GLYCOL Dogs: 4 mL/kg (1 teaspoon/kg); e.g. 20 kg: 6 Tbsp = lethalCats: 1.5 mL/kg (1/3 teaspoon/kg); e.g. 5 kg cat: 1.5 tsp = lethal MOA: EG metabolized by alcohol dehydrogenase into harmful metabolites; Calcium + oxalate = AKI 3 […]
Neutrophils can commonly be seen on cytology. The presence of degenerate neutrophils should alert us to the likely presence of bacteria. Bacterial toxins affect neutrophil nuclei and cytoplasm causing pyknosis, karyorrhexis, karyolysis, and cytoplasmic basophilia and vacuolation. If you’re like me, you’ve forgotten most of the big words you learned in vet school. So what’s […]
Real Tox: Common NSAIDs
Acetaminophen – Aspirin – Ibuprofen – Naproxen – Carprofen – Deracoxib – Meloxicam – Firocoxib ACETAMINOPHEN (Tylenol) Dogs: >50 mg/kg: be concerned>100 mg/kg: signs common>200 mg/kg: methemoglobinemia Cats: As low as 10 mg/kg50-100 mg/kg: signs common Mechanism of toxicity: NAPQI = toxic metabolite (binds to proteins, damages cell membranes via lipid peroxidation)PAP is another free […]
Just Breathe
Respiratory distress can be stressful for the entire veterinary team. There are 8 main causes of respiratory distress that can be quickly narrowed with a brief physical exam and POCUS. Examples Findings Upper airway Laryngeal ParalysisBrachycephalicsCollapsing trachea Stertor; stridorObstructive: prolonged effort-Inspiratory (extrathoracic dz)-Expiratory (intrathoracic dz) Lower airway AsthmaChronic bronchitis Expiratory effortWheezes Pulmonary parenchyma PneumoniaEdema (C […]